Nieto Chaupis, Huber(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2016-10)
We have studied the different forms of emitted radiation by a free electron when is under interaction by a superintense twisted field. The fundaments of this study are based in the mathematical development as derived in ...
Nieto Chaupis, Huber(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2016-10)
We have performed computational simulations aimed to evaluate the impact of an ehealth system in order to keep the stability of the diabetic patients belonging to Peri-urban areas of large cities. In concrete, this study ...
Nieto Chaupis, Huber(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2016-10)
We propose the formalism of the Dirac-Delta functions with polynomial argument to measure the probability of call completion (PCC) which plays an importance role in the development and assessment of the telecommunications. ...
Nieto Chaupis, Huber(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2017-02)
In this paper, we explore the prospects of applicability for the sensing of proteins inside the framework of the IoB NT [1] for anticipating the diabetes kidney disease (DKD), from the identification of negatively charged ...
Nieto Chaupis, Huber(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2016-11)
We present a model of Probability of Success Call Completion (PSCC) from a typical I/O procedure and computationally tested through Monte Carlo simulation with Gaussian profiles. Under the I/O view the input and transfer ...
Nieto Chaupis, Huber(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2016-10)
We report the application of the Model-based Predictive Control (MPC) to improve the performance of the start-up of a 150-175 MW combined cycle power plant whose gas turbine is fueled by natural gas. In concrete the ...
Nieto Chaupis, Huber; Matta Solis, Hernán(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2016-10)
A rapid-decision algorithm aimed to tackle the increase of cases by infection due to the possible presence of Zika virus in Peri-urban areas of large cities, was developed and tested computationally. This approach targets ...
Nieto Chaupis, Huber; Matta Solis, Hernán(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2016-10)
We used computational simulation inside a teleconsult scheme to predict the levels of diabetes progress of a sample of type-2 diabetes adult patients. Concretely, we have used computational algorithms to estimate the ...
Nieto Chaupis, Huber(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2014-09)
A study of the Dirac-Delta functions with polynomial argument for modeling the signal path-loss in mid-sized urban areas is presented. From the fundamental "spike" property of the Dirac-Delta functions, or simply Delta, ...
Nieto Chaupis, Huber; Del Carpio Salinas, Jorge(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2016-10)
We present the simulation of the application of the Model-based Predictive Control (MPC) of the drum level in a Combined Cycle Plant in order to minimize the time for reaching the highest capacity of plant, around 225 MW. ...
We have proposed a system based in the continuous measurement of albumin in type-2 diabetes patients whose diagnosis was done 5 years ago or more. The main idea of this investigation consists in a plan of visits by the ...
Delgado, Alexi; Romero, Inmaculada(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2016-11)
Social impact assessment (SIA) has become an important factor for social conflicts prevention. In this study, we conducted SIA using the center-point triangular whitenization weight functions (CTWF) method, which is based ...
Delgado, Alexi; Cardenas Reyes, Exequiel(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2016-11)
The semiarid areas of Manabí province in Ecuador are notably decertified due to overgrazing for animal production. In this study, a selection of the best alternative plants as food for livestock using the entropy-weight ...
Delgado, Alexi; Vasquez Paragulla, Julio(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2016-11)
One of research areas of Systems Engineering is software development; for which, high level of programming using different languages is required. Therefore, students have basic, intermediate, and advanced programming ...
Nieto Chaupis, Huber; Matta Solis, H; Becerra Asencios, Brigitte; Perez Siguas, Rosa; Anton Talledo, Richard; Espinoza Moreno, Tula; Nolberto Sifuentes, Violeta(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2017-10)
In this paper we present a case study emphasizing the proposal of a telecare system which might be implemented in the first attention level belonging to health centers of Periurban zones of Lima city. Concretely, the system ...
It's well known that the duration of the engineering programs in Latin American countries like Peru are of order of 5 years, roughly. Commonly, the target of the fifth year of program is to carry out activities of thesis ...
Nieto Chaupis, Huber(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2017-10)
An interesting application of the prospective technology called Internet of Bio-Nano Things (IoBNT) is in the territory of the medicine. It's expected that this technology plays the role as tool of surveillance of the ...
Delgado, Alexi; Flor, Hugo(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2017-10)
Pollutants inside at houses are smoking, gas combustion, use of solvents, household cleaning chemicals, emissions from building materials, and contamination of the exterior aggravates the inside of the house. In this ...
Nieto Chaupis, Huber(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2017-10)
The imminent arrival of advanced technologies in the field of telecommunications would give impulse to upgrade coherently the content of the topics of the last year of the electrical and network engineering program. For ...
Alvarado Diaz, Witman; Meneses Claudio, Brian; Roman Gonzalez, Avid(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2017-10)
In the present project it is focused on patients Amotrophy Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), so these patients do not have control of their motor functions therefore are unable to move on their own, requiring third party assistance ...