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  • Delgado Villanueva, Kiko Alexi; Romero, I. (Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades, 2015)
    Abstract Increase of socio-environmental conflicts during the planning or execution of projects makes social impact assessment is increasingly necessary and objective in order to prevent potential social conflicts. In ...
  • Vega Tupiño, Giancarlo; Vargas Cuentas, Natalia Indira (Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades, 2015)
    The problem of drinking water is that it does not have a permanent solution, so you need always to look for new forms and sources of supply, conducting hydrological studies geohydrological or to use it to benefit the ...
  • García Valverde, Jesús Omar; Vargas Cuentas, Natalia Indira (Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades, 2016)
    The main objective of the project in remote areas of the capital, which in this case has chosen the people of Obrajillo whose main objective is to bring digital television to the area and for this the methods to be used ...
  • Maluquish Atalaya, Yober Ronal; Vargas Cuentas, Natalia Indira (Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades, 2016)
    The present investigation thesis is based on the integration of a system with technology RFID for the identification and control of the motorcycles of the unit of emergency motorized “The Hawks” of the PNP, specially to ...


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