Nieto Chaupis, Huber(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2017-08)
Computational simulation has played a relevant role in basics sciences as physics, also in applied sciences and engineering. Despite of the fact that the simulation topics might be relevant, most of them are not explicitly ...
Nieto Chaupis, Huber; Unluturk, Bige(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2017-07)
By assuming that the dipole moment of glucose might be high enough to cancel the negative charges of glomerulus, we estimate the efficiency of the sensing of negatively charged albumin proteins as well as the Tamm-Horsfall's ...
Nieto Chaupis, Huber(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2017-07)
Once the Internet of Bio-Nano Things (IoBNT) is already running, one important aspect that must be established is the estimation of parameters of the quality of service (QoS). From the view of the end-user, QoS should be ...
Mugruza Vassallo, Carlos(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2016-06)
The use of hierarchical linear modelling has been increasing in the last 5 years to analyze EEG data. Until now, no clear comparison on linear modelling in different modalities has been done. Therefore, specific differences ...
Nieto Chaupis, Huber(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2014-12)
In this paper, the formulation of a stochastic model and its subsequent incorporation into a predictive control of a balls mill grinding circuit, is presented. The apparition of stochastic variables is a consequence of ...
Bruno Laura, Karla Valeria; Palacios Rojas, Estéfany Yadira; Zabalaga Aitite, Denisse(Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades, 2019)
Objetivo: Determinar el grado de satisfacción en el trabajo de enfermeros en el Hospital Nacional Sergio Enrique Bernales, Collique, Comas – 2018. Material y método: Es un estudio de enfoque cuantitativo, de diseño no ...
Guevara Pocco, Ruddy Lisseth; Molina Perales, Maryorit; Pardo Alva, Luis Paolo(Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades, 2019)
Objetivo: Determinar el nivel de acoso escolar en los adolescentes de la Institución Educativa Industrial N° 3048 Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo – Independencia, 2018. Material y método: Es un estudio de enfoque cuantitativo, ...
Llanos Díaz, Diego Alexis; Villarreal Lora, Leslie Graciela(Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades, 2019)
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como título: “Incidencia del sistema de detracciones en la liquidez de la empresa de servicios Talento Empresarial S.A.C., distrito de Surco”, considerando como objetivo primordial ...
De Resende Camara, Alexandre; Torres Santos, Zeila Virginia; Johanna Pacheco, Clara; Colaço Gonçalves, Marcos Vinicius(Sociedade Brasileira de Fisica, 2019)
One of the first subjects studied in Electricity and Magnetism classes is how one can make an electrically neutral object be an electrically charged object. There are three ways to do it: charging by friction, charging by ...
Mamani, Luis(Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso, 2013)
Spelling success supposes the proper use of specific information. Non-experts orthographic correctors lack this information or they do have deficiencies, when using it. Overcoming this condition seems simple: the experts ...
Silva Fhon, Jack Roberto; Partezani Rodrigues, Rosalina Aparecida; Fuentes Neira, Wilmer; Rojas Huayta, Violeta; Do Carmo Cruz Robazzi, Maria Lúcia(Escola de Enfermagem de Universidade de Sao Paulo, 2016)
Objective: To analyze the prevalence of falls and frailty syndrome and the association between these two syndromes in the elderly population. Method: Systematic review, without restriction of dates, in English, Portuguese ...
Environmental conflict analysis (henceforth ECA) has become a key factor for the viability of projects and welfare of affected populations. In this study, we propose an approach for ECA using an integrated grey clustering ...
Morales Quispe, Juan; Añez Ramos, Roberto Jose; Suarez Oré, Cesar Abraham(Instituto Nacional de Salud, 2016)
o determine the level of physical activity (PA) and the association of this factor with excessive Internet use among adolescents from the "Mi Perú" district in the Callao region. Materials and Methods. This cross-sectional ...
Delgado, Alexi; Romero, Inmaculada(Research India Publications, 2017)
Social impact assessment (SIA) is an important factor to prevent environmental conflicts, in this way, it is very necessary to integrate SIA and environmental conflict analysis (ECA). In this work, we propose to integrate ...
Morales, Juan; Fuentes Rivera, José; Delgado Silva, Carlos; Matta Solis, Hernán(Instituto Nacional de Salud, 2017)
The aim of the study was to determine the frequency of infection markers for hepatitis B and hepatitis C and to identify associated factors in blood donors. The study was carried out using data obtained from blood donor ...
Morales, Juan; Fuentes Rivera, José; Bax, Vincent; Matta, Hernán(Sociedad Venezolana de Farmacologia y de Farmacologia Clinica y Terapeutica, 2018)
Objectives. Classifying blood lead levels and identifying the factors associated with elevated blood lead levels in children living in a district of Callao. Materials and methods. Transversal descriptive study. The study ...
Delgado, Alexi; Ayala, Betsabe(International Research Publication House, 2018)
Violence against women is a social problem that not only affects women involved, but also their relatives and their environment. In Peru, it is a topic that is becoming increasingly more visible. In this work, a computational ...
Garcia Alvarez Coque, Jose Maria; Ramos Sandoval, Rosmery; Más Verdú, Francisco(Bononia University Press, 2018-12)
In Europe, research and extension services (RES) play a relevant role in the agricultural sector. A Structural Equation Model has evaluated the impact of RES on perceived farm performance in a sample of 247 holdings. Our ...
Objectives: To determine the level of physical activity in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus who received medical attention in primary health care in North Lima. Materials and methods: This was a cross-sectional ...
A moderate geomagnetic storm occurred on April 20, 2018. Using vertical total electron content (VTEC) maps provided by the Center for Orbit Determination in Europe, ionospheric responses to the geomagnetic storm could be ...